Docking Station (MGT)
To calibration and bump test up to four MGT device
MGT Docking station II is designed to calibration and bump test up to four MGT device simultaneously, helping to reduce time. It provides bump testing, event management and calibration from a simple to use multi-unit station. It also maintains all important event logs that demonstrate users are working within company requirements.
• Zero and Span Calibration, Bump Test Function
• Indicate the current status of operation by the Power LED and Unit LED color
• Gas Ventilation system to remove a residual gas
• Save the log events after calibration and bump test
• Enable users to adjust the setting points of Docking station and MGT via IR Link or USB
• Rechargeable battery or power
• Holds up to 4 devices at once

IR-Link Communication with USB Cable
User can change alarm set points and upload firmware updates and download event logs and perform calibration.